General Instructions - University Junior Research Fellowship 2023-24
  1. Application for UJRF should be submitted through this portal

  2. Age of applicant shall not exceed 35 years on the Date of Joining

  3. Documents uploaded along with application should be clear and readable

  4. Hard copies of the application form and enclosures shall not to be sent to the University

  5. All communication from the University will be made via the candidate’s registered email id (email ID registered in this portal)

  6. Any false or misleading information furnished will result in the denial of the application by the University without any notice

  7. For enquiries please contact 0481 2733336 or email
Instructions - Uploading of Internal Marks & Attendance of
Ph.D. Course Work Examination July 2024
  1. The provision for uploading internal marks ( Course I, II, III,& IV as applicable) and attendance details of the Research Scholars by the Research Supervisor concerned and forwarding of the applications of the eligible candidates for exam registration by the Head of the Research Centre/Principal will be available from 05.09.2024 to 13.09.2024.

  2. The last date fixed for forwarding copy of Internal Marks (Course I,II,III & IV) and the External Mark of Course III (both out of 50) in the prescribed proforma by the approved Research Centres after completing all regulatory formalities to the email Id - is 11.10.2024

  3. An amount of Rs. 615/- per student will be levied from the approved research centres for belated submission of internal marks up to and including 10 days and Rs.1,225/- per student will be levied for belated submission of internal marks beyond 10 days till the finalisation of the result. The internal Mark received after publication of the result will not be entertained on any account.

  4. For enquiries :, 0481-2733568